88% raised
Hey! We've raised €2.630,00 of the €3.000,00 we are trying to raise for this campaign!

United4Cameroon press release announcing its fundraising for the May 20 demonstration in Geneva



Friends of the Cameroonian people,

As we can all see, the State of Cameroon has been facing a stark power vacuum at its helm since 2018.

This power vacuum has given rise to a dangerous mafia situation where a group of imposters have embedded themselves like leeches at the helm of our state to engage in the systematic looting of public funds, to the prevarication of state resources, to the savage selling off of our natural resources, to the looting of the future of next generations, to the continuation of the fratricidal war in NOSO, to the unconstitutional confiscation of all the sovereign powers of the State by the ruse of illegal centralization under the alleged and unfounded cover of the "High instructions of the Head of State", etc.

This anachronistic situation has made Cameroon and its people the laughingstock of the whole world, which now knows Cameroon as the one and only country governed by a photo, in all of human history.

The person responsible for this iniquitous sham of the confiscation of power and the blockage at the helm of our state, the old neocolonial dictator Paul Barthélemy Biya Bi Mvondo, has just been located in a clinic in Geneva.

The presence in Geneva of this dictator now over 90 years old, continuously in power for over 40 years through the ruse of repetitive electoral masquerades, offers an exceptional window of opportunity to go there and shout the end of recess, to draw the attention of the rest of the world to the misdeeds of his dictatorial and neocolonial regime, and to demand an end to his regime of imposture at the helm of our State.

Therefore, United4Cameroon encourages all members of our large family of peaceful fighters for the advent of the rule of law in Cameroon to mobilize as one man to go to Geneva to flush out the dictator and demand an end to his regime of sacking the lives of generations of Cameroonians.

In order to optimize its contribution and its participation in this important historic event, United4Cameroon invites its generous donors to help her financially for the success of this open-ended event.

Dear members of the Cameroonian and African Diaspora, let us seize this window of opportunity to make heard the voice of the Cameroonian people who are today completely muzzled inside Cameroon.

Every human being has the right to live his old age and his last days with dignity, but no one has the right to confiscate the future of millions and generations of his compatriots to his grave, be he an African patriarch.

Long live Cameroon, free and master of its destiny,

United4Cameroon, because Justice Matters.

Formulaire indisponible : campagne clôturée

<span style="white-space: normal;">Nous sommes convaincus d'être plus forts avec vous</span>

We are convinced that we are stronger with you

Help us


For the return of peace in the North-West and South-West (NOSO) of Cameroon


For a life full of hope for all children of Cameroon


For freedom, democracy and respect for human rights in Cameroon


For a fair justice for all and the respect of the law in Cameroon