88% raised
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Donation Total: €50,00 for 12

Dear compatriots and friends of Cameroon,

We come through this fund of generosity to ask for your help for the project entitled: "Drinking water for political prisoners".

Indeed, several compatriots are arbitrarily and unjustly arrested and imprisoned as part of the peaceful marches organized by the Cameroonian opposition. Several are also detained in connection with the crisis in the North West and South West regions.

They are grouped together in very cramped cells, where it is sometimes extremely hot and they are held in inhumane conditions.

These prisoners do not have access to clean drinking water and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the least we can do while waiting for these citizens to be released is to give them a little of our humanity.

Thank you for your generosity in this season of sharing.

To give is to love and to love is to give.

United4Cameroon Team

<span style="white-space: normal;">Nous sommes convaincus d'être plus forts avec vous</span>

We are convinced that we are stronger with you

Help us


For the return of peace in the North-West and South-West (NOSO) of Cameroon


For a life full of hope for all children of Cameroon


For freedom, democracy and respect for human rights in Cameroon


For a fair justice for all and the respect of the law in Cameroon